
Fire King

You’ll see me in the street with blank eyes ahead
Enjoying the breeze nowhere to rest my head
You don’t know me or what I regret
I continue to speak, though no one hears what I said
I walk through the door I’m always armed with lies
I’m always asking for more but never telling you why
I like to keep my distance; but I like to stay close
I’ll say you’ve made a difference but I'll have you know

I am the fire king, I burn everything I touch
And I lit the match, because I liked it too much

What’s in my past? In my deep, dark sea?
What broke me in half? Sir, what’ll it be?
I’ll have what I’ll have and I’ll have it the most
To know me is a trap but I’m nobody's ghost
You think this poem’s about me but maybe it’s you
You think I’m ready to see but are you ready, too?
If I’ve learned something then it’s probably this:
They always keep the warmth coming 'til it’s too hard to grip

I am the fire king, I burn everything I touch
And I lit the match, because I liked it too much

I’ve been waiting years for this fever to break
Every hidden tear, every covered mistake
I’ll tell you what you want, what’s behind the door:
I just don’t want to be cold anymore